

In recent years, China's family health has shown three highlights.

According to the big data and survey data of the "national family health service platform", in 2017, residents' health concerns gradually shifted from hospitals to communities and from communities to families. The views of "preventive treatment" and "prevention is greater than treatment" have become the most simple "health concept" of the people. There are three significant changes - the national awareness of healthy life has been enhanced, and the health concept of active prevention has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, Improve the awareness of family health management. By comparing the matching between health demand and medical and health service supply in the online medical behavior data, the report draws three highlights of family health in 2017:

In recent years, China's family health has shown three highlights.

(1) The function of family health leader is gradually emerging

A family member establishes health records, registers, online consultations and purchases health insurance for other family members. Most of them are organizers, guides, influencers and decision makers of family health management, collectively referred to as "family health leaders". Big data analysis shows that family health leaders initiate more online medical treatment for their families than themselves. On average, each family health leader will actively set up health files for two family members; The average number of online appointment registration initiated for family members is 1.3 times that of self registration, and the total scale of online consultation initiated for family members is 5 times that of self consultation.

A significant change of "family health leaders" is that young people begin to actively assume the responsibility of maintaining the health of their families. Among the users who take the initiative to establish health records for their families, the proportion between the ages of 18 and 30 has increased significantly. In terms of gender ratio, men and women tend to account for half of the sky, and women are slightly higher. Female "leaders" have become the main group to buy family health insurance.

(2) The role of family doctors as health gatekeepers has become increasingly clear

Family doctors focus on people, face families and communities, and provide long-term contracted services for the masses in the direction of maintaining and promoting overall health, which is conducive to changing the mode of medical and health services, promoting the downward shift of the focus of medical and health work and the sinking of resources, so that the masses can have a healthy "gatekeeper".

Family doctors are not only the "gatekeeper" of health, but also the "guide" of medical treatment, which can avoid people being cheated by false medical publicity on the Internet and seeking medical treatment blindly. According to the guidance on promoting the contracted services of family doctors, the family doctor team provides the contracted residents with basic medical treatment, public health and agreed health management services. Actively improve the service mode, give family doctors expert number source, reserve beds, connect and transfer, extend the dosage of drugs, implement differentiated medical insurance payment policies, and enhance the attractiveness of signing services.

(3) Online medical treatment has become an important form of residents' health needs.

Data show that health education services provided by medical staff online have begun to take shape. At the same time, residents have higher expectations for intelligent and remote family health management services. More than 75% of the respondents use step counting and other sports monitoring functions, and about 50% of the respondents have the habit of recording fitness data. Purchasing health management solutions through intelligent terminals has also shown signs, accounting for 17%. 53.5% of the respondents hope to record and manage the health status of different family members respectively, and 52.7% of the respondents hope to obtain the blood pressure, blood glucose and physical examination data of family members.

During the epidemic period, in terms of cost, online diagnosis and treatment has greatly reduced the cost of invoking high-quality medical resources in first tier cities. In terms of safety, doctors have no concerns about virus infection. In terms of resources, at the same time, solve the problem of insufficient medical resources in the epidemic area, exclude those who are obviously not infected, and then go to designated institutions for diagnosis or exclusion of suspected patients.

In addition to diagnosis and treatment, the services provided by online medical treatment also cover more health management contents, such as health information, pre diagnosis consultation, disease diagnosis and treatment, follow-up and rehabilitation, and have initially had the ability to provide comprehensive services for the great health needs of residents. In this series of actions, online diagnosis and treatment enterprises have proved their deployment, organization and operation ability, and proved their credibility and applicability to end B and end C.

Post time: Mar-30-2022